Paul M. Lewis

Contemplations on Life, Love, Art, Politics, Wisdom, Spirit and Nature

I started Two Old Liberals on February 12, 2012, along with my blog partner, Kevin Miller (the other eponymous “old liberal”). Since then, we have posted over 175 essays on the various themes and topics noted above. Featured on this page are links to some of the articles I have contributed to the blog. If the topic and the first paragraph or two pique your interest, just click on the link to read the entire article. Please visit to read more.

Why Am I Writing?
Posted on February 12, 2012

The answer to the above question is because I don’t feel I can remain silent. Let’s consider some of the things that are happening in the world today, both the big picture, as well as a few of the smaller, passing details. First of all, and this IS the biggest, there’s the fact that we – pretty much all of us – seem to be a sad bunch of some seven billion or so Neros, fiddling about while the globe burns. And while I don’t suppose I have to say that I’m speaking metaphorically here and that the world isn’t actually burning, it is heating up faster and faster. Is the cause of global warming activity on the part of human beings? Yes! The great majority of respected scientists in the world resoundingly reply in the affirmative to that question. And those who claim that such changes in climate are merely naturally occurring phenomena fail to take into consideration the fact of how quickly the climate is changing. Naturally occurring climate change normally takes millennia, if not longer, not decades.(link to the full article)

So Who Pays?
Posted on February 28, 2012

When my partner’s dad was still living, and we would sometimes go out to dinner with him and his wife, there was never any question of who paid. He would always contrive to grab the check first and plunk down his cash (he didn’t much care for credit cards, as that meant going into debt), no matter how fast we might have tried to get at it before him. That’s the kind of man he was, a former navy commander, upright, honest, no-nonsense, and the very definition of responsible. A Republican all his life in that old-fashioned, now almost quaint, fiscally responsible take-care-of-yourself-and-those-you-love sort of way, he was a man I greatly admired. So, I’m left to wonder about Republicans these days and how they treat fiscal responsibility. (link to the full article)

Science and Mysticism, Will They Someday Meet?
Posted on March 21, 2012

“He (Pope John Paul II) told us that it was all right to study the evolution of the universe after the big bang, but we should not inquire into the big bang itself because that was the moment of Creation and therefore the work of God.” – Stephen Hawking. I’ve been reading Hawking’s A Brief History of Time recently, and I have been wondering why it is that the late Pope might have declared it to be forbidden to delve into the big bang, in other words, into the beginning of the universe. I have to say, I see absolutely no reason why it should be forbidden. (link to the full article)